
Murzincev P.P., Pavlov M.M., Repin A.S. Features of geodetic support for the construction of the highway and spatial monitoring at the Bovanenkovo field 2–5
Muttalibova Sh.F., Danziyev R.M. The method of inverse hydroinformation modeling for prediction of condition of flooded zones 6–10
Balandin V.N., Menchikov I.V., Firsov Yu.G., Efanov A.I. The determination of height anomaly by satellitic methodes 11–16
Kluykov A.A. Technology of determination of parameters of a gravitational field of Earth on gradiometric measurements. 4. Computational of components of tenzor gradient of gravitational potential 17–20
Myadzelets A.V. Mapping of natural and anthropogenic geosystem disturbance of Pribaikalie 21–29
Prisyazhnaya A.A., Snakin V.V., Mitenko G.V., Hrisanov V.R. Calculation and mapping of protected species of plants and animals 30–37
Ippolitova N.A. Mapping the industry as the basis of the territorial organization of the economy 38–45
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Shekhovtsov G.A., Shekhovtsova R.P., Raskatkin Ju.N. About method and results of calibration of photocamers to measure distances 46–53
Geographic Information Systems
Konovalova N.V. Geographic information management system for administration of the territory. Regional level 54–57
Manpower training
Khinkis G.L. Expert of the new wave 58–60
Rakhimov Z.R., Rahmanov A.N., Nasibullina E.I., Mullayanova G.I., Smirnov A.Yu. The derivation of the mean square error at determination of relative altitude by total stations of various types 61–63
Anniversary congratulations
Matveev Stanislav Ilyich – 75 years 64
DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-908-2