machine learning
maclaj Shore
macroelastic deformation
magnet tools
magnetic and electromagnetic surveys
magnetic declination
magnetic field
magnetic field of the Earth
Mahalanobis metric
Maima river basin
main coordinate system
main direction
main educational program
main equation of satellite navigation
main gas pipeline
main high-altitude base of Crimea
Main high-altitude base of Russia
main pipeline
main pipelines
main technological equipment
maintenance requirements
major bearings
major repairs
making and marketing maps
mall forms of management
Maly Vudyavr lake
mammals in the organic world system
man-caused load
man-made object
man-made objects
management decisions
management in on line mode
management information system
management of forest resources
management of territories
management of urban facilities
management organizations
managerial decision
manipulation microparticles
manufacture automation
manuscript map
map algebra
map analysis
map classification
map coloring
map content
map database
map description
map design
map elements
map errors
map functions
map generation
map interface
map key
map language
map layers
map legend
map object
map of landscape aesthetic resources
map of natural reservation
map of the school
map of types of agricultural landscapes
map production
map projection
map projections
map properties
map scales
map semiotics
map service
map signs
map symbols
map thawing Yakutia
map updating
map use
MapInfo geographic information system
MapInfo Professional
maple forests
mapping (map-making)
mapping and analysis of morphodynamic of morphosistems
mapping ecosystem services
mapping for projection of an natural-ecological skeleton
mapping for territorial planning
mapping geoinformation
mapping history
mapping indicators
mapping information system
mapping levels
mapping method
mapping methods
mapping objects visualization
mapping of botanical resources
mapping of cultural heritage objects
mapping of dynamics
mapping of geo-knowledge
mapping of geomorphological disasters
mapping of geostructures
mapping of geosystems
mapping of territories
mapping of the Caucasus
mapping of the intensity of exogenous processes
mapping scale
mapping software
mapping soil data
mapping soil unit
mapping system
mapping techniques
mapping the evolution
mapping the source
mapping units
Maps and Diagrams of the territory of the Russian State of the 17th–19th centuries
maps classification
maps contents
maps for hunters and fishermen
maps informativity
maps of actual and probable damages
maps of dynamics
maps of higher school
maps of natural complexes
maps of natural resources
maps of population
maps of river basins
maps of Siberia
maps of soil properties
maps of urban agglomerations
maps of vegetation of Africa in January and in July
maps of water economy of the Republic of Crimea
maps on derivative scale
maps SVDZK
maps XVIII – beginning of XX centuries
Maria Glazovskaya
marine cartography
marine ecology
marine gravity anomalies
marine mammals
marine object
marine pollution
marine topographic surface
mark out network
marker of point
marker-based and markerless technology
market (cadastral) valuation
market cost
market information
market value
market value of land unit
marketing studies
marking sign
Markov chain
Markov chains
marks of identification signs
mask on the angle of elevation
mass (cadastral) land valuation
mass appraisal
mass appraisal of real estate
mass assessment
mass valuation
master plan
master study
match graph
material and city building character
material curve gravity potential
material magnetic permeability
material surface gravity potential
maternal wavelet
mathematic and cartographic modeling
mathematical basis
mathematical algorithm
mathematical analysis
Mathematical and cartographic modeling
mathematical and semi-natural modeling
mathematical and statistical justification
mathematical approximation of plane
mathematical basis and content of the maps
mathematical basis of maps
mathematical basis of the map
mathematical cartography
mathematical fundamentals of the map
mathematical methods
mathematical model
mathematical model of shooting
mathematical model of the shooting
mathematical model of tunable matching transformer and mathematical model of its calibration
mathematical model photography
mathematical modeling
mathematical models
mathematical models of measurements
mathematical plate motion model
mathematical processing
mathematical reasoning processing method
mathematical simulation
mathematical-cartographic modeling
matrix legend
matrix of a digital camera
matrix of transition probability
matrix photodetectors
matrix radiation detector
matrix radiation receiver
matrix triangulation
Matua Island
maximum permissible discharge
maximum permissible error
meadow Timothy Phlum pratense L
meadow vegetation
mean dynamic topography
mean square error
mean square error (SQR)
mean square error of accumulation
mean square error of measurements
mean square error of point location
mean square error of point position
mean square error of unit weight
mean square errors
mean square errors in directions
mean square root error
mean squared error
mean squared error of the unit of weight
mean-orbit sphere
mean-square error
measured depth
measured value
measurement accuracy
measurement accuracy characteristic
measurement accuracy requirements
measurement and calibration methods
measurement automation
measurement cycle
measurement error
measurement errors
measurement height differences
measurement of motion parameters
measurement plane
measurement range
measurement reliability of measuring
measurement residuals
measurement result approximation
measurement schemes
measurement technique
measurement trajectory model
measurement variance
measurement weights
measurements accuracy analysis
measurements and errors of distances
measurements GLONASS
measurements of position and time
measurements on maps
measuring coordinates
measuring instruments
measuring noise
measuring test bench
measuring three-dimensional video stage
measuring tool
measuring tools
mechanisms of deployment/folding functions
medical-ecological research
medico-geographical mapping
Mende surveys
mental maps
meridian and parallels grid
meridian ellipse
meridian section projection
meridians conversion
Mersenne telescope
mesoclimate situation
mesoscale the particle
metadata standards
metal carbonyls
metal content limits
metallic cellular tower
metallogenic mapping
meteorological station
method of analysis of stability of the loaded active microwave circuits
method of coordinates
method of creating maps
method of data extrapolation in time
method of extrapolation of a number of dynamics
method of fine functions
method of layer-by-layer toting
method of parabolas
method of parametric adjustment
method of phase control of GNSS measurements
method of polar coordinate
method of potential
method of transformation of three-dimensional positions of points
methodological aspects
methodology for architectural design
methodology for creating digital projects
methodology of cadastral activities
methodology of forming geoid heights digital models for reference coordinate systems
methodology of geodetic spatial monitoring
methodology of geodetic support
methodology of information model building
methodology of steady land use
methods and techniques of graphic display of dynamics
methods for alignment measurement
methods for creating a geographic information system
methods for determining the geographic center
methods for the formation of land cadastral works
methods of astronomic determinations
methods of cadastral surveys
methods of comparison and direct measurements
methods of control
methods of creation maps of forecast
methods of information visualization
methods of mapping
methods of measuring horizontal angles
methods of teaching
methods of thematic mapping
Metric and Boundary books
metric parametres of objects on territories of the Russian Federation
metric parametres of territory of Russia
metrological assurance of coordinate measuring instruments
metrological certification
metrological certification of phase optical range-finders
metrological characteristics
metrological coverage
metrological maintenance
metrological quality
metrological support
metrological support of coordinate measuring instruments
metrological verification
metrological verification of total stations
mezhevaya topographic map
mezhevoy plan
micro-electromechanical systems
micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
micro-scale mapping
microbolometric matrix
microprocessor means for processing of signals
microservice architecture
microwave imaging
microwave radiation
Middle Ages
Middle Baikal
migration of elements
military battles
military cartographers
military faculty
military geodesist
military map
military surveyors
military topographer
Military Topographers
Military topographic service
Military topographic service of the Red Army
military topography
military training
military training for civilians
military-Land Service
military-topographic service
military-topographic service of Red Army
millionaire city
mine surveying
mineral resource use
mineralization zones
minimally constrained adjustment
minimax deviation value
minimization of environmental violations
minimum curvature
minimum size of an object to be decoded
minimum variance estimate
Mining academy
mining and hydrogeological conditions
mining and ore-dressing complexes
mining badlands
mining complex
mining industrial complex
mining industry
mining industry ecosystems
mining of placer gold
mining process
misinformation in science history
mixture decomposition
mo bile laser scanner
mobile applications
mobile belts
mobile cartography
mobile device
mobile devices
mobile forms
mobile laser scanner
mobile laser scanning
mobile navigatsionno-geodetic complex
mobile scanning complex
mobile sinks
mobile systems GNSS
mobile technologies
mock-up images
mode of deformation
mode RTK
mode «Precise Point Positioning»
model global quasigeoid of the zero approach
model Knothe
model of an object
model of temperature fields
model of the atmosphere
model of the device
model of the errors processing
modeling multiplier
modeling of a spatial object
modeling of catchments
modeling of forest vegetation
modeling of natural objects
modeling of natural processes
modelling method
modelling of refraction angle
models of the technology
modem of ight
modern approach
modern cartography methods
modern crustal movements
modern earth crust movements
modern environmental management
modern geodesy
modern geodynamics
modern movements of the earth’s crust
modern problems
modern Russian language
modern vertical movements of the earth's crust
modifications of the information
modified Stokes’ function
MODIS “snow cover” (MOD10A2)
modular assembly method
modular video camera
modulation method
modulation transfer function
module development
moisture coefficient
moisture ratio
Molodensky theory
moment of inertia
moment of momentum
Mondy basin
monitoring automation
monitoring mapping
monitoring of a spatial database of borders of the Russian Federation and its subjects
monitoring of agriculture
monitoring of deformations
monitoring of hydraulic facilities
monitoring of land
monitoring of land condition
monitoring of lands
monitoring of real estate objects
monitoring of roadside
monitoring of structures
monitoring of the agricultural crop conditions
monitoring of the earths
monitoring system
monitoring; geodesy; geometry of the railway track; accuracy; electronic total station; track measuring trolley; level; rail gauge template; average square error
mono-sectional way
monomolecular layer
Monte Carlo method
MOPS model
Moroz formula
morphogenetic principle
morphographic projection.
morphological appearance of the relief
morphological parameters
morphometric analysis
morphometric characteristics
morphometric indicators
morphometric parameters
morphometric parameters of the relief
morphometric sign
mosaic flat facade
Moscow College of Geodesy and Cartography
Moscow institute of engineers of geodesy of aerial photography and cartography
Moscow region
Moscow University
motion capture
motion model
motion of projections
motion of tectonic plates
motion on inertias
motion parameters
motions of projections of heavenly bodies
Mount Boulanger
mountain relief
mountain-valley glaciation
mountainous landform
mountainous terrain
mountainous territory
mounting horizon
mounting lens
movement of points
movement of the earth’s crust
movements of controlled points
movements of lithospheric plates
movements of the Earth crust
moving base
moving base
MSW landfills
mud volcano
multi beam echo sounders
multi Scale
multi zone space shots
multi-agent system
multi-agent systems theory
multi-channel space images
multi-dimensional geographic models
multi-dwelling unit
multi-factor approach
multi-index processing technique
multi-purpose cartographic resource
multi-purpose land information system
multi-scale electronic topographic map (METM)
multi-scale mapping
multi-sectional way
multi-temporal space images
multi-temporal stereopairs
multi-time classifiers
multi-wavelength regime
multi-zone satellite images
multibeam data
Multibeam echo sounders
multibeam echosounder
multibeam sonar
multicontour land adjacent to land
multicriteria optimization
multidimensional hierarchical expert estimation
multidimensional space-time enviromental models
multidimensional space-time environmental models
multidimensional vector fields
multidisciplinary geodynamics
multifractal analysis
multifractal interpretation
multifractal spectrum
multilanguage systems
multimedia atlas
multimedia cartography
multimedia map
multimodal transport systems
multiple linear regression
multiple-large-scale analysis (MSA) Haar’s
multipurpose cartographic resource
multipurpose map resource
multiscale databases
multiscale electronic topographic map (METM)
multiscale mapping
multispectral image segmentation
multispectral imagery
multispectral images
multispectral optical-electronic images
multispectral satellite imagery
multispectral satellite images
multispectral space images
multispectral survey
multispectral surveying
multivariate analysis
multizone satellite images
multyspectral survey
municipal admin-istration
municipal administration
municipal areas of Russia
municipal district
municipal ecological policy
municipal formation
municipal geoinformation systems
municipal GIS
municipal institution
municipal organizations
Muravlenkovskoye oil and gaz field
mutually invisible points