1 Zharova N.E.
2 Bekenov A.V.
3 Chibunichev Aleksandr

Sovzond, JSC


Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

Since the end of 2016 the imagery data from the Russian remote sensing satellites including Resurs-P spacecrafts have become commercially available in Russia, the CIS and far abroad. In this article we consider the possibility of automatic generation of digital terrain models using a stereo “fortuitous” image pair derived from two different Resurs-P spacecrafts. For the analysis we used two different date panchromatic images of the same area of Voronezh region in Russia. The images were obtained by the Geoton-L1 sensor of two different spacecrafts: Resurs-P № 2 and Resurs-P № 3. The stereo acquisition geometry of a satellite stereo “fortuitous” pair is calculated to investigate the potential for digital terrain model extraction. RPC data provided with Resurs-P imagery were refined by bundle adjustment using ground control points. We used the Trimble SATMaster software for all photogrammetric processing. The accuracy of the resulted fully automatic generated digital terrain model was evaluated using ground check points.
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Zharova N.E., 
Bekenov A.V., 
Chibunichev Aleksandr, 
(2017) Automatic generation of a digital terrain model from «Resurs-P» stereo «fortuitous» image pair. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(10), pp. 50-57 . (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-928-10-50-57
Publication History
Received: 31.05.2017
Accepted: 13.07.2017
Published: 20.11.2017


2017 October DOI: