1 Tolchelnikova S.A.

Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of RAS

The purpose of the paper is to draw attention to the problems emerged in optical astrometry. It had to be developed by specialists in a new-born branch of radio physics named radio astrometry. The methods of the science with ancient origin were not familiar to them. The first step of reforms was the decision of International Astronomical Union about replacement of the International optical reference system by the radio reference system ICRS (ICRF). The decision retarded the development not only of fundamental astrometry and related sciences, but of astrophysics as well. 19 years passed after the decision, but radio frame (ICRF) is not used for reference either in space or in ground-based observations, or in geodesy as a reference for coordinates on Earth. The arguments of those who lobbied for the transition to radio sources remain unconfirmed: e. g. extragalactic position of the quasars, the superiority of the accuracy of radio reference frame over the optical one. To surmount the alienation of geodesy from astronomy it is necessary to restore the empirical connection between them, which existed during millennia since their birth and has given the right to consider the spherical coordinates of stars and the Sun derived from astrometric measurements as a foundation (basis) for all positional observations of coordinates for concrete epoch.
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Tolchelnikova S.A., 
(2017) On discussion of the consequences of revolution in astrometry at the start of XXI century. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(12), pp. 44-53. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-930-12-44-53
Publication History
Received: 01.09.2017
Accepted: 13.11.2017
Published: 20.01.2018


2017 December DOI: