1 Serdakov L.E.
2 Martin D.
3 Murzincev P.P.

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS


European Synchrotron Radiation Facility


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

This article reviews key activities of the ESRF Alignment and Geodesy Group and the Budker INP SB RAS survey support team in the assembly and high precision alignment of the magnets on the girders constituting the new synchrotron radiation source – the Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) under construction in Grenoble France. The different activities considered in detail here are: the geometric measurements on the electromagnet magnetic measuring bench (fiducialisation); the levelling and measurement of the girders to create a local frame referenced to gravity; the measurement of references linked to the Beam Positioning Monitors (BPM-diagnostics) to create a local frame and ensure correct fiducial coordinate alignment; installation of BPM and other elements of the vacuum chamber in their design positions at the assembly stage; installation in the design position of the magnetic elements in the local frame of the girder; installation in the design position of the vacuum chamber in the local coordinate frame of the girder; and, control of the position magnetic elements on the girder, after the installation of the vacuum chamber. The geodetic networks and instruments used to assemble and install the EBS magnet girders and beam lines are also discussed here.
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Serdakov L.E., 
Martin D., 
Murzincev P.P., 
(2018) Survey and alignment during assembly and installation of the EBS–ESRF. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(11), pp. 2-8. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-941-11-2-8
Publication History
Received: 14.09.2018
Accepted: 15.11.2018
Published: 20.12.2018


2018 November DOI: