1 Prusakov A.N.
2 Spiridonov A.I.
3 Prusakov A.A.

Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI

Describes a device and methods for automated laser comparator for calibration of digital leveling equipment. The comparator created by the technology of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and placed in the building of the geodetic calibration laboratory of geodetic polygon of FSBE “Centre of geodesy, cartography and SDI”. Shows the main technical characteristics, modes of operation and basic procedures in the calibration of bar-code leveling rods. It is noted that the comparator is a complex measuring system in the form of high-precision optical-electronic stand, consisting of individual mechanical, optical and electronic components and assemblies. One of the features of the design of the comparator is the vertical positioning of its component parts, which allows to determine the error of position of the strokes of the scale of the rod in a working position. Based on the results of verification receive corrections to readings on a rod scale and a linear coefficient of expansion of the material from which rod is made. Lists the possible measurement errors in the verification process and the peculiarities of metrological assurance of operation of the comparator. Formulated one of the immediate tasks in the testing of the comparator: accumulation and analysis of statistical data on the stability of its work and study the individual components of measurement errors.
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Prusakov A.N., 
Spiridonov A.I., 
Prusakov A.A., 
(2018) The automated laser comparator for calibration of digital equipment leveling. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(3), pp. 17-22 . (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-933-3-17-22