1 Karimova A.A.

Priroda, Research-and-Production Center, FSUE

At present both the Russian Register and the Topographic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use methods and technologies based on the software GIS "Map 2011" and DPS (digital photometric station) "Photomod 6" while creating and updating state topographic maps and state topographic plans (FL № 431), which in practice are called digital topographic maps (DTM) and digital city plans (DCP). The article contains the author’s suggestions that the modern approaches be included in the used technologies of updating maps in terms of: optimization of code description of the content elements of the DTM and the DCP; adaptation of metric and semantic characteristics of spatial objects;automation of the processes of creation and updating of the DTM and the DCP. The peculiar features of automated systems were analyzed: decoding and vectoring of data of Earth remote sensing, quality control and correction of digital maps. Also, the requirements to the quality and accuracy of space imagery (Earth remote sensing) materials have been considered, the implementation of which would contribute to obtaining conditioned digital output cartographic products.
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Karimova A.A., 
(2018) Up-to-date approaches towards the technology of creation and updating state and topographic maps and plans. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(5), pp. 27-36. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-935-5-27-36
Publication History
Received: 06.02.2018
Accepted: 16.05.2018
Published: 20.06.2018


2018 May DOI: