1 Alekseenko N.A.

Institute of Geography RAS

In protected areas of Russia unique spatial-coordinated data on their territories on certain positions and methods is collected by local and other scientists. The data is stored in various formats (sometimes physically lost), very rarely in the form of maps, some of them in the annual reports are transferred to the MNR. Systematically arranged collecting, storage, analysis and transfer of these data could be significantly enhanced and optimized: first, scientific research in- and outside the natural wildlife reserves, relating to the natural, ecological, historical, cultural and economic component; second, the management of the units of the system and the entire system as a whole; third, planning and management of administrative-territorial and economic entities. The place of cartographic support for protected areas is determined it is at the intersection of the scientific-cognitive and practically-oriented direction of cartography. Scientific methods based upon the integration of cartographic methods and professional knowledge of specialist cartographers and staffs of protected areas are formulated: component, conjugate, ecological, environmental, historical, typological, constructive and integral ones. The main functions assigned to cartographic support, corresponding to the activities of protected areas are monitoring, scientific, educational, and touristic. The article deals with topical issues of conceptual, practical, informative, technological components of cartographic support of the Russian Federation’s protected territories.
Work is performed within GZ “Geo- information-cartographic analysis and remote monitoring of the interaction of nature and society”.
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Alekseenko N.A., 
(2019) Topical issues of cartographic supporting specially protected natural areas of Russia. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(1), pp. 13-23. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-943-1-13-23
Publication History
Received: 25.07.2018
Accepted: 11.12.2018
Published: 20.02.2019


2019 January DOI: