1 Shekhovtsov G.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The method of using the electronic total station for a complex method of geodetic controlling tracks of bridge cranes is explained. This technique provides for the direct determining the x, y, z coordinates of the crane rails axial points in the controlled section of the track from one point of the total station. The values of x and y can calculate the track width and control the straightness of the rails, and the values of z to find the excess between the rail points in the row and span. Estimating the accuracy of such control’s results by obtaining the covariance matrix of coordinate errors is shown. It is noted that this form of accuracy representation is not clear enough, depends on the orientation of the coordinate axes and is not informative. The article proposes a simple method of assessing the accuracy of survey points in the directions oriented relative to crane tracks. This technique is based on the geometric interpreting the error of the defined points’ position using the circles of mean square errors, which can be constructed in any plane of three-dimensional space. By the radius-vector of these circles the MSE point defined can be judged in any given direction. On the example of estimating the accuracy of the track crane’s track width the iconic modeling is made, which confirmed the simplicity, reliability, accessibility and meaningfulness of the proposed methodology.
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Shekhovtsov G.A., 
(2019) Estimating the accuracy of geodetic controlling bridge cranes’ tracks complex method. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(2), pp. 15-21. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-944-2-15-21
Publication History
Received: 01.06.2018
Accepted: 10.12.2018
Published: 20.03.2019


2019 February DOI: