1 Ushakova L.A.
2 Alyautdinov A.R.
3 Sharapov A.M.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Spatial templates for analyzing and mapping of the cellular distribution and development with the use of GIS technologies are discussed. Analysis of the pattern of distribution of cellular and significant differences of the cellular usage in regions provides determination the principles of the administrative territory organization of cellular. Created maps demonstrate differences of cellular usage in regions. It is essential for determination directions of growth and expansion of the cellular in different regions of Russian Federation. From another side this analysis is a very important part of the estimation of the economic and social level of the regions. Typological differentiation of the territory of Russia is suggested according to the level of the spread of cellular telecommunications. Created maps demonstrate availability of cellular. Methods of cellular map design to Russian Federation are demonstrated using different parameters among ArcGIS v. 10.1. Created database of cellular of Russian Federation allows to solve different scientific and business tasks in cellular communication.
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Ushakova L.A., 
Alyautdinov A.R., 
Sharapov A.M., 
(2015) Cartographic method in the assessment of the cellular communication state and distribution in Russia. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (9), pp. 32–42. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-903-9-32-42
Publication History
Received: 29.05.2015
Accepted: 12.08.2015
Published: 12.10.2015


2015 September DOI: