1 Igonin A.I

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

General methodological basis of the boundaries stability analysis using GIS technology was worked out. The author describes the specifics of creating electronic map based on administrative division of the territory in various years. Key indicators of borders stability were identified; a database was formed on their basis. Within the GIS a series of maps of the dynamics, mobility and sectoral state border between Russia and Ukraine was developed. Plots of stability for administrative units’ of the first and second order were presented. A historical and geographical analysis of changes in the administrative boundaries of contiguous was made. The classification of the Russian-Ukrainian of contiguous to the sites is offered. A detailed description of the degree of resistance and the history of the formation of the State border and the administrative boundaries of the Russian-Ukrainian of contiguous is given. The possibility of calculating and mapping of administrative boundaries of sustainability indicators is described. Geoinformation analysis showed significant territorial differences in the formation of the state border on its various sites. The features of the origin of the boundaries of each of the selected sites are described. of the State border and the administrative boundaries of the Russian-Ukrainian of contiguous. It describes the possibility of calculating and mapping of administrative boundaries of sustainability indicators. Geoinformation analysis showed significant territorial differences in the formation of the state border on its various sites. Describes the features of the origin of the boundaries of each of the selected sites.
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Igonin A.I, 
(2016) Geoinformation analysis stability of administrative boundaries of the Russian-Ukrainian borderlands. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (9), pp. 54–59. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-915-9-54-59
Publication History
Received: 24.03.2016
Accepted: 26.05.2016
Published: 25.10.2016


2016 September DOI: