1 Idrisov I.R.
2 Marshinin A.V.
3 Marinskikh D.M.

Tyumen State University

Landscape mapping was carried out mainly for solving the economic tasks connected with oil and gas development of the region, in particular within some works on environmental impact assessment. Within these types of works, large-scale landscape maps were created. The authors prepared large-scale landscape maps (1 : 25 000–1 : 100 000) for the Yamal project and Tambey group of fields (the Yamal Peninsula), some fields of the Gydan Peninsula and the Nadym-Pur-Taz interfluve. The results of field works were used to create the database of routes and points of research. The final data processing included correcting the planimetric part of the landscape map and filling up the database information about types of terrain and landscape units. Configuration of the map is illustrated with photos and data about the areas of the main map units. The morphometric analysis of the mapped areas is carried out with the use of data of ALOS World 3D and AsterDEM in the program complex SAGA. Application of geomorphometric methods and controlled classification of satellite images allow to increase objectivity of the landscape analysis of the research areas and to decrease a period of time for a landscape map creation.
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Idrisov I.R., 
Marshinin A.V., 
Marinskikh D.M., 
(2017) The experience of large-scale mapping of the Arctic landscapes in Western Siberia. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(7), pp. 31-37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-925-7-31-37
Publication History
Received: 22.12.2016
Accepted: 16.03.2017
Published: 18.08.2017


2017 July DOI: