1 Igonin A.I
2 Tikunov V.S.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

The study of modern trends in demographic development in Europe and Russia, in particular the assessment of spatial patterns of changes require updating the database of demographic indicators. To carry out a comparative analysis of current trends in demographic development in Europe and Russia, three sets of indicators characterizing the demographic state of the regions were formed. The calculation of indices of demographic development with different sets of indicators was made. A series of maps of the demographic situation and its dynamics in the GIS environment was developed. The joint analysis of all nine variants of the demographic state enabled developing a single, final index for assessing the demographic development of the territory. Multivariate mathematical-cartographic modeling helped performing a qualitative assessment of demographic processes and their changes. The implicit features and differences in the demographic characteristics of the regions are revealed. The application of classification algorithms to such a vast territory helps decision-making as part of a change in demographic policy.
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2.   Arkhangel'skii V. N., Ivanova A. E., Rybakovskii L. L., Ryazantsev S. V. Prakticheskaya demografiya. Pod red. L. L. Rybakovskogo. Moskva: Tsentr sotsial'nogo prognozirovaniya, 2005, 280 p.
3.   Demography. URL: https://www.gks.ru/folder/12781 (accessed: 16.03.2019).
4.   Conception statistics, England and Wales. URL: https://goo-gl.ru/5UPj (accessed: 19.03.2019).
5.   Horn M., Köppen B. (2007) Demographischer Wandel in Deutschland – die lokale und regionale Perspektive. Universität Koblenz-Landau. pp. 13–35.
6.   Total fertility rate by NUTS 2 region. URL: ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database?node_code=tgs00062 (accessed: 12.03.2019).
Igonin A.I, 
Tikunov V.S., 
(2019) Multivariate mathematical-cartographic modeling demographic characteristics of Russian and European regions. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 80(11), pp. 26-36. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2019-953-11-26-36
Publication History
Received: 13.06.2018
Accepted: 04.09.2019
Published: 20.12.2019


2019 November DOI: