1 Morozova G.Yu.
2 Debelaia I.D.


Protected areas are key elements of the green infrastructure and ecological framework of cities. They have multifunctional significance as centers of investment attractiveness. The percentage of protected zones in the city’s total area is an indicator of its sustainable development. Their total area in Khabarovsk is 567.8 ha (1.5% of the city area): 5 protected areas of regional level (210.7 ha), and 24 are those of local one (357.1 ha). The problems of creating a thematic structure of a GIS database by the example of the network of Khabarovsk protected areas for the urban area environmental planning are considered. A hierarchical thematic structure of a GIS database is presented, consisting of two blocks: an overview of the protected areas network (municipal management) and a description of protected areas (object-level). The blocks include the following modules: administrative, scientific, recreational, educational and economic ones. The thematic structure of a GIS database model "Protected areas of Khabarovsk" is universal and can be used to protect and develop a network of protected areas in any Russian city. The content part of each module is formed by domain experts and adapted for various user groups. Practical applications of the research results are: environmental planning of the urban territory, municipal management, environmental-friendly innovative development of protected areas.
The authors are grateful to G.I. Mikhailova for technical assistance in preparing this artikle.
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Morozova G.Yu., 
Debelaia I.D., 
(2020) Thematic structure of the GIS database Khabarovsk city protected areas. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 81(7), pp. 56-64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2020-961-7-56-64
Publication History
Received: 04.12.2019
Accepted: 12.05.2020
Published: 20.08.2020


2020 July DOI: