The Ethics Statement / Editorial policy of the journal "Geodesy and cartography" is based on the following documents:

Materials submitted in the journal must meet the executing rules given in «The list of requirements for the scientific articles to be published in the journal "Geodesy and Cartography" [], be due to the subject and correspond to the scientific level of the journal. Authors are to agree with requirements given in the list.
Russian State Library (RSL)
Author fees
Publishing is free for all the authors.
The editorial charges no fee for preparing any materials to be published.
Plagiarism detection
When examining the article the editorial may check if there are any borrowings or plagiarism there.
We use a native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat. If plagiarism is detected, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
 The editors are to:
  • estimate the contents of articles with no regards to the authors’ race, sex, sexual orientation, religious and political outlooks, ethnic origin, nationality or social status;
  • provide reviewing;
  • inform authors and reviewers on what they are to do;
  • pursue a relevant policy in the settling conflicts of interests.
The journal “Geodesy and Cartography” is included in the Russian science citation index (RSCI). Authors are to agree with placement accepted for publication full text format articles on the website of Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. Including articles in scientific electronic libraries, reference data bases and citation systems provide free access to scientific articles for all Internet users as well as opportunities for improving the author’s citation index.
The journal “Geodesy and Cartography” is registered in The Supreme Attestation Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation as a publication, where scientists can post articles, accounted at protecting scientific theses. 
An important requirement for publishing scientific articles in the journal is to have an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the materials for common access.
Authors submitting their articles for publication in the journal “Geodesy and Cartography” are to guarantee the following:
  • nobody else has the copyright to use their work;
  • the results of research presented in the article are original;
  • the article contains references to the early publications that affected the considered work or quotes with authors and sources mentioned;
  • the list of co-authors is complete;
  • all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the article and agree to submit the article for publication in the journal;
  • they are aware that they are fully responsible for the contents of the article;
  • the article was not published in the volume of more than 50% in other print/electronic publications;
  • the article is not under consideration by the editorial Board of any other journal;
  • the article does not contain materials which can’t be published for common access according to existing laws and regulations
Authors agree to the publisher’s exclusive right to use the article within the contract on the publication of the scientific article in “Geodesy and Cartography”.
All submitted materials are subject to preliminary checking the accuracy of document registration. As a results the article can be accepted for consideration or rejected as non-compliant.
The sources of sponsoring the work are recommended to be mentioned in the article.
The authors are obliged to participate in the peer reviewing providing timely and reasonable answers and making necessary changes in the article on requests of the reviewers and editors.
If a mistake in a published article is found, the authors make all the efforts to correct it as soon as possible. The head author is to send a letter to the editor describing the mistake. If the error is serious enough to invalidate the research results, the authors should inform the editorial about revoking the article.
The “Geodesy and Cartography” is a reviewed scientific publication. For supporting high scientific level all articles preliminarily checked according to the “Rules of reviewing scientific articles in the journal "Geodesy and Cartography"” are reviewed by internationally avowed scientists.
Reviewers are to:
  • respond in time and without intentional delays, especially under circumstances that may prevent reviewing the article;
  • inform that they cannot review the article if they possess no necessary knowledge (or if the review of article can be made partially) or in case of any possible conflict of interests (personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political, religious, etc.);
  • if the article cannot be reviewed in time and reviewers need some more time, they promptly report it to the editorial;
  • consider articles reviewed for other journals as new ones, as their content may have changed, and the criteria of estimating the possibility of publishing articles in different journals may differ;
  • refuse to review if they are related to any works mentioned in the article;
  • refuse to review if the article under review is similar to the one they prepare themselves for publication or had already submitted in another journal for consideration;
  • refuse to review if they do not agree with the policy of the editorial;
  • not to engage any other specialists in reviewing the article without informing the editorial Board before;
  • inform the editorial if the reviewer doubts about the ethical aspects of the work (if the reviewer is aware of existing a similar work simultaneously submitted to another journal or already published, or suspects that the results of the research are fake)
  • not to detain reviewing intentionally or to ask for additional information from the editorial or author if it is not necessary;
  • not to contact the authors directly, without informing the editorial;
  • be impartial and informative in their reviews and provide back coupling that will help authors to improve their article;
  • not to make humiliating comments, or criticize unreasonably the work of the author or competitors mentioned in the article;
  • be specific at criticizing providing proofs with appropriate references confirming general statements (such as "this work has already been done before...") to assist the editorial staff in estimating the article and deciding to publish;
  • treat authors who write articles in a foreign with understanding, and review their work in a proper way with due respect;
  • study  the reviews of other reviewers, if they are provided by the editorial Board, for better understanding the subject the discussion and the decision on  the article made by other reviewers. 
The interaction of authors and reviewers is coordinated by the editorial staff. The following reviewing models can be used in the journal:
  • blind reviewing when the reviewer knows the author's name, but the author does not know the reviewer's name;
  • double-blind review, when the reviewer and the author do not know each other's names.
The engagement of outside reviewers is possible in the following cases:
  • there is no member of the editorial Board, supervising a certain field of activity (scientific discipline);
  • the member of the editorial Board is not able to make a review;
  • the editorial Board does not agree with the opinion expressed in the review of its member;
  • the article is written by a member of the editorial Board.
Due to the results of the review, the article can be:
  • recommended for publishing without completion;
  • recommended for publishing on condition of completion (without re-reviewing);
  • recommended for publishing on condition of completion and re-reviewing;
  • not recommended for publishing.
Articles recommended for publishing due to the results of reviewing must be corrected in literacy and scientific character. Editor’s correcting shall be coordinated with the author. After coordination the final version of article with the author, it is printed. If the author agrees the article is published in the journal's website in a full-text format.