1 Brovko E.A.
2 Sofinov R.E.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)


The Russian Federation Defense Ministry Leading Geospatial Information Centre 946

The authors reveal the informational and functional contents of the geoservice, using the example of the proposed mechanism for updating spatial data using state topographic monitoring materials. The algorithm of a geoservice functioning based on the data obtained in the process of survey, detailed topographic monitoring and its further use as geoinformation services for solving the tasks of socio-economic, environmental, defense and national security of the Russian Federation is shown. The analysis of domestic experience in this field (the national spatial data system, the geoportal of the Federal Spatial Data Fund, the Public Cadastral Map, the Roscosmos Group of Companies, the “People’s Map”, i.e. Open Street Map on the Yandex Maps geoportal, etc.) enables determining the composition of geoinformation resources requiring periodic and operational updating. Creating and actualization of digital (electronic) topographic maps and other types of digital cartographic products in real time, using continuous topographic monitoring data, and presenting them to users through the geoservice “State topographic monitoring” is a promising scientific and practical direction for development of geoinformation mapping and infrastructure designed to spread relevant spatial data.
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Brovko E.A., 
Sofinov R.E., 
(2023) Geoservice for solving the task of updating spatial data based on the results of state topographic monitoring. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 84(2), pp. 12-20. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2023-992-2-12-20