1 Obidenko V.I.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The results of the research on using a hybrid type of local coordinate system for transition from the LCS of the RF constitutional entity, created from CS-95 (LCS_95), to the LCS of the region, based on SCS -2011(LCS_2011), are presented. The main principles of the methodology and the outcome of its application in LCS_2011(MCS NSO are outlined. The flat rectangular coordinates in it coincide in LCS of the Novosibirsk oblast, based on CS-95 - MSC NSO. It is shown that the MSE for establishing such a system, 2011(MSK NSO), in the mentioned territory, amounted to 7 and 8 cm accordingly. By comparing the coordinates of 355 SGN points obtained in LCS_2011(MSK NSO) using the method of creating a hybrid LCS and in MSK NSO, updated by SCS-2011 with the technique of PPK «Roskadastr», the MSE of their discrepancies was obtained in the amount of 10.9 cm. It is noted that with the similarity of the final coordinates in the MSK NSO, refined relative to SCS-2011 using two compared technologies, the use of the LCS_2011(MSK NSO) has an advantage due to the method of transformation from SCS-2011 to the refined MSK NSO. Orthogonal transformation enables obtaining parameters transition from SCS-211 to the MSK NSO and provides more accurate coordinates in it, updated relative to SCS-2011
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Obidenko V.I., 
(2024) Updating the RF entities’ local coordinate systems, created from CS-95, based on SCS-2011. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(6), pp. 2-13. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1008-6-2-13
Publication History
Received: 20.02.2024
Accepted: 18.06.2024
Published: 20.07.2024


2024 June DOI: