1 Sinelnikova K.P.
2 Yuferev V.G.

Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Afforestation of the RAS

The authors present the results of a geoinformation analysis of the fields system and protective forest plantations in the Serafimovichi district, the Volgograd oblast, RF. The degree of protecting forest reclamation from degradation in agricultural landscapes was established, and the plantations safety was estimated. Employing geoinformation technologies enables accelerating the assessment of the agroforestry systems state. Anthropogenic and climatic factors affect the conditions of their functioning. At the same time, the geoinformation analysis of agroforestry landscapes based on ultra-high-resolution satellite images by the WorldView 3 satellite of the MAXAR provider allows us to identify their current state. The methodology is based on a landscape approach, and the technology - on using GIS to decrypt satellite images and determining the spatial characteristics of fields and protective forest plantations. Maps of cultivated and uncultivated lands and their safety were developed from satellite images. It is established that agricultural landscapes include 2,101 fields (189,5 thousand ha), 1,765 of which are cultivated (181,4 thousand hectares) and 336 are deposits (8,1 thousand hectares). There are 1,272 plots located on deflation-risk areas tilted by less than 2°. In potentially erosive ones with steepness of more than 2° there are 829. The spatial position of the fields and the safety of 2030 protective forest stands are determined
The work was performed within the framework of the state task of the Federal Research Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 122020100311-3
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