1 Zavadskaya A.V.
2 Yablokov V.M.
3 Panicheva D.M.

Kronotsky State Reserve


Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

The Valley of the Geysers in Kamchatka, Russia, is one of the five largest geyser fields in the world, and the only one in Eurasia. Outstanding esthetic values as well as the rare biological and ecological features of the Valley’s ecosystem attract thousands of tourists and scientists from all over the world. However, complexity of the Valley is not yet fully understood, as prior research has focused primarily on specific species or habitats, rather than linkages between different components of the ecosystem and spatio-temporal dynamics of natural processes. The Atlas of the Valley of the Geysers became the first attempt to show the complexity and extreme vulnerability of the ecosystem of the Valley and to put all the collected information about the area into one set of maps, understandable and useful both for public and scientists. To create the Atlas our team collected and integrated information from different databases, archives and papers, digitized and actualized existing maps, consulted specialists and rangers, and during 2009–2014 conducted their own detailed ground studies. As a result set of more than 80 full-color maps, 3D models and charts, 100 photos as well as essays by leading researchers of the area, brings together for the first time information about relief, geology, climate, landcover, vegetation, threatened plants, soils, natural dynamics of the landscape; international significance, history of discovery and modern use; recreational durability and relationships between different components of the ecosystem. Using the Atlas, many types of users can access, view, and analyze diverse information about the Valley of the Geysers and its features to better understand the uniqueness, vulnerability and necessity to conserve this outstanding ecosystem.
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2.   Zavadskaya A.V., Yablokov V.M. Ehkologicheskij turizm na osobo ohranyaemyh prirodnyh territoriyah Kamchatskogo kraya: problemy i perspektivy. M.: KRASAND, 2013, 240 p.
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7.   Yablokov V.M., Zavadskaya A.V. (2013) Geoinformation modeling of hydrothermal systems temperature fields (on the example of river Geysernaya valley). Geodezia i Kartografia, (3), pp. 24-31.
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Zavadskaya A.V., 
Yablokov V.M., 
Panicheva D.M., 
(2016) Atlas mapping of the Valley of the Geysers. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (5), pp. 24-30. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-911-5-24-30
Publication History
Received: 30.10.2015
Accepted: 01.03.2016
Published: 20.06.2016


2016 May DOI: