1 Shanurov G.A.
2 Manilova A.D.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

Inertial coordinate system and geodetic (terrestrial) coordinate system are used in processing of results of topographic survey, carried out with a mobile scanning complex. Mobile scanning complex geodetic coordinates, in turn, are presented in geodetic three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system form, in geodetic ellipsoidal coordinate system form and in the form of coordinates on a geodetic projection plane. The results of research, carried out earlier [4–7], suggest that the coordinate transformation on large areas distorts geodetic points coordinates. The article presents the results of similar investigations, but applied to a local area, limited by a mobile scanning complex surveying area. The accuracy of the mobile scanning complex coordinates is characterized by the mobile scanning complex coordinates errors cofactor matrix. It turned out that the local site sequential coordinate transformation procedure from one coordinate system to another coordinate system does not introduce any distortion into the mobile scanning complex coordinates.
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Shanurov G.A., 
Manilova A.D., 
(2017) Mobile scanning complex positioning accuracy depending on the coordinate systems used. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (1), pp. 13-17. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-919-1-13-17
Publication History
Received: 06.09.2016
Accepted: 24.11.2016
Published: 20.02.2017


2017 January DOI: