a basic mark |
a basic mark |
a cancer of a mammary gland |
a complex Atlas |
a comprehensive survey |
a corridor of linear communication models of the temperature field |
a declarative principle of cadastre |
a digital camera (CFA) |
a digital terrain model |
a digital topographic map |
a digital urban map |
a district school |
a file |
a geodetic network |
a GIS-based mass appraisal tool |
a gymnasium |
a halo |
a hierarchical ordering structure of the atlas |
a horizontal |
a integrated space monitoring GIS Atlas (GIS Atlas) |
a land area |
a lens |
a list |
a list of recommended textbooks |
a local geoid model |
a model parcel point |
a monastery |
a network of continuously operating reference stations |
a nozzle |
a photon jet |
a planeparallel plasticity |
a priori estimation of accuracy |
a qeodetic network |
a quadratic polygon |
a quality of satellite images |
a raster card |
a reference sample of LIVE Database images |
a satellite receiver |
a school excursion |
a series of maps |
a set of hardware and software complex |
a simplified method |
a single electronic cartographic base |
a single highprecision homogeneous coordinate space of territories |
a slope |
a spatial phototriangulation on a way of sheaves |
A SRO “Cadastral engineers” |
a techniqu. seismic prospecting |
a thematic map |
a theodolite |
a topographic map |
a triangulation Delon |
a zone of recreational development |
abandoned land |
aberration compensation |
abilities |
ablation |
abnormal vertical movement |
abrasion |
abrasion terraces |
absolute accuracy |
absolute and relative indicators of pollution |
absolute deformation |
absolute gravimeter |
absolute gravimetry |
absolute gravity meter |
absolute gravity observation by GABL and different kind correction |
absolute height |
absolute laser gravimeter |
absolute positioning |
absorption coefficient |
absorption spectra |
abstract data types of spatio-temporal data |
ac cidents |
academic and teaching staff |
academic staff |
accelerated expanding of universe |
acceleration |
acceleration of gravity |
acceleration sensor |
accelerations |
accelerator alignment |
accelerator-storage complex |
accelerator-storage complexes |
accelerometer |
acceptable deviations |
accessibility (isochrones method) |
accessibility assessment |
accident rate mapping |
accounting |
accounting and registration documents |
accounting particularities of geographical environment |
accounting routes |
accumulated correction |
accumulation |
accumulation error coefficient |
accumulation of sediments |
accumulation of water |
accumulative form |
accumulative seashore |
accuracy |
accuracy |
accuracy 3D models |
accuracy and reliability of equalization results |
accuracy assessment |
accuracy calculation |
accuracy characteristics of image |
accuracy control of field technique |
accuracy criterion |
accuracy enhancement |
accuracy estimate |
accuracy estimation |
accuracy evaluation |
accuracy increase |
accuracy laser scan data |
accuracy of boundary determination |
accuracy of building a digital elevation model |
accuracy of contours |
accuracy of coordinate definitions from images |
accuracy of coordinates of reference stations |
accuracy of definition of coordinates of borders of objects of the real estate |
accuracy of definition of coordinates of points |
accuracy of digital images measurement |
accuracy of external orientation |
accuracy of GNSS coordinates |
accuracy of interpolation |
accuracy of measurements |
accuracy of points of geodetic net |
accuracy of positioning. |
accuracy of result |
accuracy of single measurement |
accuracy of stations coordinates |
accuracy of the source data |
accuracy of volumes of a ground |
accuracy precalculation |
accuracy radio interference |
accuracy requirements |
accuracy researches |
accuracy spatial |
accuracy standards |
accuracy study |
accuracy. |
accurate measurements |
achive map |
acid-alkaline conditions |
acid-base balance |
Acoustic Positioning Systems |
acoustic radiation |
acoustic trap |
acoustic wave |
acoustojet |
activating function |
active Earth remote sensing methods |
active four-poles microwave |
active mark |
active methods of remote sensing |
active remote sensing |
active remote sensing methods |
active volcano |
activity geodetic |
actual cards |
actual land use |
actual potential of the gravity field |
actual resolution |
actual spatial resolution |
actual state |
actualization |
actualization of territorial planning |
actualization of the spatial data |
adaptability |
adaptable systems |
adaptation |
adaptive algorithm |
adaptive geoinformation technologies |
adaptive geoinformational technologies |
adaptive Kalman recursive procedure type |
adaptive system unite global orthogonal coordinate |
adaptive-landscape-land information systems |
adaptiveness |
addition theorem |
additional cadastral information |
additional criteria of reliability adjustment |
additional specialization of map contents |
additive technologies |
adequate measurement |
adjustment |
adjustment of points of geodetic net |
adjustment. |
administration of taxes |
administrative and territorial division |
administrative boundary |
administrative district |
administrative map |
administrative maps |
administrative subjects |
admiralty settlement |
admitted non-telecentricity |
ADS40 |
adsorbed layer |
advance digital topographic map |
advance digital topographic map paradigm |
advertising in maps |
advertising in maps |
advertising on maps |
aeolian landscape |
aeolian processes |
aeolian relief |
aerial |
aerial and satellite images |
aerial and space images |
aerial and space photos |
aerial camera |
aerial camera parameters |
aerial geodesy |
aerial geophysics |
aerial image and space image |
aerial image quality |
aerial imagery |
aerial laser scanning |
aerial mapping |
aerial photo interpretation |
aerial photogrammetric survey error |
aerial photograph |
aerial photographic survey |
aerial photographs |
aerial photography |
aerial photography day |
aerial photography design |
aerial pipeline crossing |
aerial shots |
aerial survey |
aerial surveying |
aerial surveys |
aero geophysics |
aero photos |
aero survey |
aero-shooting |
aerodrome |
Aerogeodetic Enterprise |
aeronautical charts |
aerophotographic system |
aerophotosystem |
aerophototriangulation |
aerosol pollution |
aerospace image |
aerospace image decoding |
aerospace images |
aerospace methods |
aerospace sensing |
aerospace survey |
aerospace surveying |
aesthetic evaluation |
affine amendments |
affine transformation |
afocal system |
Africa |
after sales period |
aftershock |
age stages and regeneration series of forest vegetation |
agglomeration |
aggregation |
aggregation of mounds |
agisoft Metashape |
agrarian land information system |
agrarian landscapes |
agri-food policy |
agricultural environmental stability technologies |
agricultural industry |
agricultural land |
agricultural land use |
agricultural lands |
agricultural landscape |
agricultural landscapes |
agricultural map |
agricultural mapping |
agricultural sector |
agricultural systems |
agricultural technology |
agriculturall and inventory |
agriculture |
agriculture development |
agro(bio)technopark |
agro-industrial complex |
agro-resource conditions |
agrobioindustry |
agrocenosis |
agroecosystem |
agroforest landscape |
agrolandscape |
agrotechnologies |
AI methods |
aimags of Mongolia |
air laser scanner |
air laser scanning |
air photography |
air pollution |
air quality mapping |
air reconnaissance results |
air temperature |
air temperature change |
airborn digital camera |
airborn digital camera system |
airborn equipment |
airborne and satellite imaging spectrometers |
airborne laser scanning |
airfield |
Airy disk |
Akmolinsk region |
alas basin |
albedo |
Alexander Pushkin |
algebraic approach |
algebraic equations of the fourth degree |
algebraic methods of change detection |
algorithm |
algorithm of assessment |
algorithm of the solution of a task |
algorithmization |
algorithms |
algorithms for the automatic identification of points |
aligning |
alignment |
alignment base |
alignment of optical devices |
alignment points |
all-Russian classifier of economic regions |
All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division |
All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities |
allocation of land plots |
allocation theory |
alluvial territory |
AlSib air route |
Altay |
alternattive oil-and-gas pipeline routes |
altimeter |
altimetric tidal ocean model |
altimetry |
altitude |
altitude above sea level |
altitude accuracy |
altitude matrix |
altitude readings |
altitudinal network |
altitudinal treeline |
altitudinal zoning |
Alvarez lens |
ambiguity external orientation of images |
Ambreasys & Simpson spectral hazard analysis |
amendments |
amounts errors |
amplifiers |
amplitude delta-facrors |
amplitude factor |
an acoustic lens |
an adequate measurement of S-parameters |
an algorithm of creation of a card |
an assessment of stability of slopes of embankments |
an atlas structure |
an earthquake |
an ellipse |
an estimation of accuracy of calculation of the areas |
an idea of permanent reference catalogue |
an optimization algorithm for the calculation |
an optimum choice of methods and measuring apparatuses |
an orthonormal basis Haar |
an oxide of polysilicon |
an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) |
anaglyphs |
analog aerial and space images |
analog cartography |
analog maps |
analogue of real estate |
analysis |
analysis of correlated geospatial data and unequal accuracy geospatial data |
analysis of hot spots genesis |
analysis of software products |
analysis of variance |
analytic hierarchy process |
analytical and digital photogrammetry |
analytical cards |
analytical fiber bundle procedures |
analytical function of a complex variable |
analytical hierarchy process |
analytical models |
analytical shadow relief shading |
analytical terrain models |
analytical three-dimensional projection of coordinates |
Anapa bay-bar |
ancient agriculture |
ancient land division system |
and area affected by fires |
and season effects |
anechoic chamber |
anemone baicalensis |
angle of arrival |
angle of convergence |
angle sensor |
angles |
angles of inclination |
angular elements of external orientation |
angular notch |
angular speed of a process |
angular velocity |
animal migration |
animal world |
animation |
animation map |
animation technologies |
anisotropic matrix |
anisotropy |
anomalies |
anomalies of gravitational and magnetic fields |
anomalies of the air temperature |
anomalous potential |
anomaly |
anomaly detection |
anomaly heights |
anomaly of heights |
Antarctic continent |
Antarctica |
antenna |
antenna complex |
antenna gain pattern |
antenna mast construction |
anthropogenic impact |
anthropogenic disturbance |
anthropogenic eutrofication |
anthropogenic factors |
anthropogenic impact |
anthropogenic impact of enterprises |
anthropogenic impacts |
anthropogenic influence |
anthropogenic load |
anthropogenic modifications |
anthropogenic pollution |
anthropogenic soils |
anthropogenic transformation |
anthropogenic transformed soils |
anthropogenous transformation |
anti-tank installations |
antibiotics |
antinomies |
antique settlement |
antisymmetric calibration matrix |
apartment building |
apartment house |
apatite-nepheline ore processing waste |
apatity |
application perspectives |
applied computer science |
applied geodesy |
applied geoinformatics |
applied interval analysis |
appraisal of real estate |
appraisal situation |
approach |
approbation of methodology |
approximation |
approximation earth terrain |
approximation model of the radio signal trajectory |
approximation of the source data |
aquatic vegetation |
aquifer complex |
arable land |
arc length calculation «from above» |
arc length calculation «from below» |
ArcGIS |
arcGIS Online |
archaeological heritage sites |
archaeological site |
archaeological sites |
architectural landmarks |
architecture database |
architecture of an information system |
archival maps |
archival topographic maps |
archive map |
ArcMap |
arctangent calculation with increased accuracy |
arctic |
Arctic landscapes |
Arctic ocean |
Arctic port pier |
arctic tundra soils |
area |
area calculation error |
area changes |
area determination errors |
area dynamics |
area error |
area reference |
areal differentiation |
areals of forecast growth of containing narcotic substances plants (CNSP) |
areas of settlement |
areas of use |
areology |
arge-scale mapping |
array of soil |
arrival angle fluctuations |
artifact |
artificial intelligence |
artificial cavities |
artificial dielectric |
artificial Earth satellites |
artificial intelligence |
artificial intelligence systems |
artificial irrigation |
artificial land |
artificial neural network |
artificial neural networks |
artificial satellite |
artillery survey |
as-built BIM |
as-built survey |
ascending orbit |
asdesign BIM |
assembly |
assembly aerial photograph |
assessment |
assessment |
assessment and prediction of land-use |
assessment intense the deformed condition |
assessment mapping |
assessment method |
assessment methodology |
assessment of accuracy |
assessment of accuracy |
assessment of geosystem disturbance |
assessment of historical and cultural value of territories |
assessment of leveling true accuracy |
assessment of the degree of urbanization |
assessment of the technical condition of the crane circular actions of the crane path |
assessment of urban areas |
asset height |
assistive tools and technologies |
associations of private gardeners |
astrakhan city |
astro-inertial system |
Astro-system |
astroarchaeology |
astrogeodetic networks |
astrolabe |
astrometry |
astronomer |
astronomical and geodesic methods in archaeology |
astronomical and geodesic network |
astronomical and geodetic enterprise |
astronomical leveling |
astronomical measurements in antiquity |
astronomical method |
astronomical tide |
astronomical-geodetic net |
astronomo-geodetic method |
astronomy |
Astronomy Department |
astroplatform |
atlas |
atlas |
atlas mapping |
atlas structure |
atlas cartography |
atlas concept |
Atlas Extender |
atlas information system |
Atlas layout |
atlas mapping |
atlas mapping of cities |
Atlas of Bolshoy Altay |
Atlas of Cultural Heritage |
atlas of natural-foci (zoonotic) diseases |
Atlas of the mammals |
atlas structure |
atlases |
atlases and maps |
atmosphere |
atmosphere circulation |
atmospheric air |
atmospheric air monitoring |
atmospheric and ionospheric effects |
atmospheric correction |
atmospheric loads |
atmospheric pollution |
atmospheric surface layer |
atmospheric throughput |
atmospheric tides |
atmospheric turbulence |
atomic emission spectroscopy |
atomic emission spectrum |
atomic frequency standards |
attenuation |
attenuation of displacements |
attenuator |
attitude determination |
attractiveness |
attribute information management |
attribute table |
attributes |
attributes of the road network |
attributive characteristic |
attributive information |
augmentation |
augmented reality |
Austria |
Austro-Hungarian Empire |
authentic scripts |
authorities |
author’s original |
auto calibration |
auto-collimating installation |
auto-collimating installation for checking level and theodolites |
auto-interpretation |
AutoCAD |
AutoCAD Civil 3D |
autocollimation point |
autocollimator |
autocorrelation matrix |
autocorrelation surface |
Autodesk |
autogenerators |
automated cartographic generalization |
automated control system |
automated control systems |
automated creation of a card |
automated decryption |
automated geoinformation control systems |
automated information system of the state real estate cadastre |
automated information systems |
automated informational diagnostic monitoring system |
automated interpretation |
automated method for borders registration |
automated monitoring |
automated processing and interpretation of space images |
automated processing of space images |
automated projection definition |
automated selection |
automated stream processing |
automated system |
automated system of geodetic deformation monitoring |
automated technologies |
automated total station |
automated сontrol system |
automatic control |
automatic control systems |
automatic estimation of digital photo resolution |
automatic generalization |
automatic managerial system by troops |
automatic monitoring |
automatic monitoring system |
automatic processing |
automatic recognition |
automatic ridge detection |
automatic vacant |
automatical point identification |
automation |
automation deciphering |
automation of cadastral valuation |
automation of cartographical processes |
automation of construction of a relief |
automorphic soils |
automotive navigation |
automotive navigation maps |
autonavigation cartography |
autonavigation map |
autonomous free geodetic 3D-construction |
auxiliary coordinate system |
auxiliary frame GSK-2011-FE |
availability for plants |
avalanche zone |
average curvature |
average fire area |
average quadratic error |
average square error |
average value |
averaged height |
averaging interval |
avifauna habitat conditions |
award name of F. N. Krasovsky |
axial straightness |
axis |
axis of observation |
axis straightness |
azimuth |
azimuth root mean square error |
azimuthal projection |
azonal landscapes |
Azov sea |
aсcuracy of spatial data |