oak |
oak forest |
object |
object field |
object modelling |
object photography |
object recognition |
object surface scanning |
object-oriented classification |
object-oriented image analysis |
object-relational databases of geospatial data |
objective cognoscibility |
objective function |
objective results |
objects of a pipeline transport |
objects of archaeological heritage |
objects of cultural heritage |
objects of history |
objects of pipeline transport |
objects of tourist interest |
oblique aerial photography |
observability |
observation |
observation and exploratory points |
observation baseline |
observation mode |
observation of horizontal displacements |
observation point |
observation program |
observation station |
observation station ISZ |
observations |
observed points |
obstacles detection |
occultation |
occultation method of measurements |
occupation layer |
ocean dissipation |
oceanic gravimetric effect |
octree |
OEM modules |
of the river network system model |
Off-shore deposits |
off-site processing |
office applications |
offset |
offshore survey |
OGC standards |
oil |
oil and gas |
oil and gas bearing area |
oil and gas complex |
oil and gas condensate field |
oil and gas deposit |
oil and gas field |
oil and gas fields |
oil and gas industry |
oil and gas manufacturing facility |
oil and gas production |
oil and gas reserves |
oil pipeline |
oil pipelines |
oil polluted lands. Оil-and-gas complex |
oil pollution |
oil pollution monitoring |
oil products |
oil spills |
oil volume |
oil-trunk pipeline |
old and antique thematic maps |
old maps |
Olkhon Region |
olympiads and competitions of professional excellence |
omnidirectional camera |
OmniSTAR |
on ice hydrographic survey |
on-board time |
onboard equipment |
onboard time scale |
one shot |
one-aspect atlas mapping |
ong-term permafrost of soil |
online map |
online map catalogues |
online map services |
online PPP services |
online services |
online test |
onshore ship survey |
ontology |
open Access |
open data |
open maps |
open source |
open-casts |
open-pit mine |
OpenGL |
OpenStreetMap |
operation |
operation points and halt platforms |
operational analytics |
operational management |
operational planning |
operations with real estate |
opposition scale for assessing the potential of influence of emergency geospace objects and their properties |
optic engineer Ertel |
optic fibers |
optic systems design |
optic-electronic space images |
optical alignment |
optical and radar images |
optical cell |
optical centrir |
optical density |
optical depth |
optical design |
optical electronic complex |
optical elements manufacturing |
optical fiber |
optical graden |
optical identifications |
optical identifications of radio objects |
optical images |
optical panoramic unit |
optical parametric oscillator |
optical plummet |
optical radiation |
optical range |
optical scanning |
optical system |
optical systems design |
optical telescopic system |
optical trap |
optical tunneling |
optical tweezers |
optical zoom relay system with two moving components |
optical zoom sight |
optical-electronic stereo photography |
optics |
optimal azimuth estimation |
optimal designing |
optimal estimate |
optimal parameters |
optimal route |
optimal value |
optimal way |
optimality criteria |
optimization |
optimization |
optimization activities |
optimization of natural resource use on basis of the cartographic method of research |
optimization tasks |
options of coordinate transformation |
opto-electronic space images |
optoelectronic satellite imagery |
orbit of Kepler |
orbital arcs |
orbital constellations |
orbital data |
orbital methods |
order |
orders of river valleys |
ordinal regression |
Ordinary Least Squares |
organic matter |
organizational |
organizational legal groundwork |
organizational-legal mechanism |
orientation |
orientation of error ellipses |
orientation of the borehole |
origin of local coordinate system |
origin of the network coordinates |
orogeny |
orographic protection |
orography |
ORT vector of projection direction |
orthogonal moments |
orthogonal transformation |
orthogonality |
orthoimage |
orthometric height |
orthomosaic |
orthophoto |
orthophoto accuracy assessment |
orthophoto generation |
orthophoto mosaic |
orthophotomap |
orthophotoplan |
orthophotoplane |
orthophototranformation |
orthoscopy of image |
ortometric eighth |
ortonormal basis |
ortophotoplan |
oscillators |
out of register rights |
overall alignment |
overgrowth detection |
overhaul |
overhead power line |
overlap function |
overlay |
own unified educational standards |
ownership of land |
oxide crystals |
oxygen concentration |