1 Nikitin A. V.

Far Eastern State Transport University

Some optimum methods of engineering surveys in the Far Eastern railway are described. They enable increasing the efficiency of work. The use of classical geophysical technology or the modern one with the use of GNSS receivers is determined by the objectives and the specific tasks, it depends on the type of railway station, site conditions, required accuracy of measurements etc. The use of dual-frequency satellite receivers improves the quality of work, including controlling the spatial position of the points of geodetic justification. For surveying transects at railway stations it is advisable to use geometric leveling, especially in the primary site when determining the elevations of the rail head. Calculations showing the increase in labor productivity for different indicators were made. The optimum methods of surveying, related software and high-quality specialists were employed.
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Nikitin A. V., 
(2016) Optimal methods to improve efficiency of geodetic works on the railways, stations and nodes. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (12), pp. 3–6. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-918-12-3-6
Publication History
Received: 19.08.2016
Accepted: 27.10.2016
Published: 29.12.2016


2016 December DOI: