Chabaniuk V.S. |
Institute of Geography of NASU |
Dietrich R. |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Elizbarashvili N. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Elizbarashvili R. |
Ministry of Regional Develoment and Infrastructure of Georgia |
Fritsche M. |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Gogoladze S. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Gorgodze T. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Grigolia L. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Gudzuadze G. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Iremashvili A. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Knöfel C. |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Laoshvili Z. |
Georgian Technical University |
Polyvach K.A. |
Institute of Geography of NASU |
Richter A. |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Rudenko L.G. |
Institute of Geography of NASU |
Sandodze G. |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Abakushina M.V. |
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) |
Abalakin V.K. |
Abalakov A.D. |
Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS |
0000-0001-8303-7754 |
Abbasova S.M. |
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University |
Abbud M.R. |
Abdrakhmanov R.Z. |
The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography |
Abdullin R.K. |
Perm State National Research University |
0000-0002-8170-3490 |
Abdullin K.M. |
Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov Tatarstan Academy of Sciences |
0000-0003-0212-6953 |
Abdul'myanov S.N. |
Abdurrahmanova I.D. |
Research Institute of Aerospace Informatics |
Abzhaparova D.A. |
Abisheva M.T. |
Abramov V.P. |
Abramova A.S. |
RAS Geological Institute (GIN RAS) |
0000-0003-4962-401X |
Abramova S.V. |
Abrosimov A.V. |
Abubakarova D.I. |
Moscow college of geodesy and cartography |
0000-0001-7811-1526 |
Avdeev V.A. |
Aver'yanov S.V. |
Aver'yanova N.B. |
Avetisyan G.G. |
Avrunev E.I. |
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies |
0000-0003-3172-5330 |
Avkhadeev V.G. |
Agaev F.G. |
Natural Resources Space Research Institute |
Agal'tsova N.A. |
Agafonov I.D. |
Agilera Delgado T.P. |
Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI |
Adrov V.N. |
Azarov B.F. |
Polzunov Altai State Technical University |
0000-0002-5795-3668 |
Azizi A.B. |
State University Of Land Use Planning |
0009-0009-6982-6023 |
Ainullina K.N. |
Industrial University of Tyumen |
0000-0002-6139-1864 |
Aijrapetian V.S. |
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies |
Hayrapetyan Ye.H. |
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia |
Aka Blash Ulfred |
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) |