
Problems, Search, Solutions
Kazgeodesy— Time of Formation 1-4
Ivanov Yu.A. Analysis of Geodetic Equipment Marketing 4-6
Yarmolenko A.S. Stable Estimation of Positioning Parameter in Singular Case 6-10
Maguskin B.F. Root Mean Square Error Formula for Direct Measurements of Singular Value 10-12
Gainulin R.N. On Normative Precision of Linear Measurements in 4th Order Polygonometry 12-14
Minikes R.E. Leveling. Accuracy Estimation for Detailed geophysical Surveying 15-16
Batrakov J.G. Accuracy Estimation of Lateral Point Relative to Polygonometric Points 14-15
Andreev V.A. Polygon Area Calculation by Angles and Sides 16-17
Geodynamic research
Serebryakova L.I. High Precision Geodetic Measurements of Crustal Movements Dangerous for Engineering Constructions Stability 17-22
Bondar A.L., Subbotin I.E. Study Earth Surface Deformations at Shebelinsk Gas Deposit Region 22-24
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Gomozov O.A., Pogorelov V.V., Kornouhov K.V., Chumakov S.V. Using linear objects of maps with external orientation of photographs 24–29
Nekhin S.S. From Analytical Instruments to Digital Ones 29-36
Berlyant A.M. Trends of Scientific Cartography in Late 90th 37-41
Barysheva Yu.A. Geographical Atlas for Children 41-42
Donidze G.I. Returned Names 43-44
Manpower training
Neumyvakin Yu.K. From Land Measurement School to State University of Land Use 44-49
Pictures of history
Sudakov S.G. General Stages of Topographic and Geodetic Survey in Russia 49-53
Letters from our readers
Khejfets М.E. Letter to the editor 54-55
Budenkov N.A. A new way to determine the nomenclature of cards 56-57
Vshivkov N.A. Going back to what was printed 57-57
Egorov V.B. News of foreign science and technology 59-60
DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126