
Problems, Search, Solutions
Berk V.I., Makarenko N.L. Cooperation continues 1-3
Kuznetsov Yu.F. Enterprise in transition to the market 3-5
Moiseenko V.V. Application of linear multivariate regression analysis methods in geodesy 6-8
Chebotarev V.E., Kavtarashvili S.S., Kosenko V. E., Cheremisin V. F. Using passive spacecraft to improve the accuracy of fundamental geodetic parameters 8-11
Nevolko M.P., Butenko V.V., Kuropyatnikov A.D., Glybochko S.I., Panyushin A.N., Fugarov V.I. Possibilities of using passive spacecraft to solve problems of geodesy, geophysics and geodynamics 11-14
Alekseev B.N. On the accuracy of determining the coordinates of points from observations of navigation satellites of the GLONASS type 14-16
Achkasov S.N., Genike A.A., Sinenko L.A., Yunoshev L.S. Metrological certification of geodetic CNS equipment 16-19
Andrianov V.A., Gorobets V.P., Korablev E.V., Smirnov V.M. Methods of correction of atmospheric refraction in space geodesy and navigation 20-24
Galkin Yu.S., Kharchenko V.N. On the possibility of single-wave determination of the ionospheric correction in GPS measurements 24-26
Chernii A.N. On the physical mechanism of increasing body weight at relativistic velocity 26-31
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Bezhic S.A., Zinchuk N.N., Moroz V.A., Pinigin A.F., Sorokin I.A., Shabanov G.A. Decoding capabilities of satellite photographs used for updating a 1:25,000 scale topographic map 31-33
Gelman R.N. On calculating the errors of the route phototriangulation and the single model 33-36
Bugromenko V.N., Lebedev P.P., Lyutyi A.A., Tikunov V.S. About the complex atlas "Transport of Russia" 36-40
Gusein-Zade S.M., Suetova I.A., Tikunov V.S. Experience of correlation analysis of phenomena using anamorphic images 40-45
Цифровые методы картографирования
Zharkov S.A., Diveev Sh.A. Digital information Bank about the area: main directions of development and development prospects 46-49
Barabin G.V., Vershinin V. I., Elyushkin V.G., Yablonskiy L.I. Computer technology for creating digital terrain models using aerospace photographs 49-53
Pictures of history
Sudakov S.G. The main stages of the development of topographic and geodetic works in Russia* 53-57
DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126