
Problems, Search, Solutions
Berk V.I. State Geodetic Supervision of Russia 1-2
Brovar V.V. Comparison of Analytical Methods for Earth Disturbing Potential Calculation 4-7
Genike A.A., Lobazov V.Ya., Yambaev K.K. Results of Testing GPS Wild — System 200 Equipment for Satellite Positioning 8–13
Goncharenko Yu.Ya., Kovalenko V.A., Kolgunov V.M. Universal Field Chronorecorder for Astronomical Observations 13-16
Galoshin A.I., Eremin V.I. Simultaneous Determination of Inaccessible Distance and Elevation 16-18
Geodynamic research
Yurkina M.I. Some Problems of Scaling in Study Vertical Crustal Movements 18–20
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Kadnichanskiy S.A., Khmelevskoy S.I. Photogrammetric Network Construction by Independent Models Method 21-24
Sheler Kh. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Late GDR 24-28
Baldina E.A. About Cartographic Mapping by Personal Computers 29-32
Fokin E.I., Zhukov V.T. On Cadastre of Underground Engineering Networks and Buildings 32-36
Демаркация государственных границ
Votrin D.S. Border Marks 36-40
People of science and manufacture
Kashin L.A., Yurkina M.I., Polevtsev V.V., Ardabeva E.I., Khaimov Z.S., Bulanzhe Yu.D. In Memory of Sergey Grigorjevich Sudakov 41-52
Pictures of history
Sudakov S.G. Main Stages of Topographo-Geodetic Activity in Russia 52-56
Our pioneers 56-57
Neiman B.N. The Society of Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management of Russia 57-58
Drozdova N.M. Seminar on Metrological Provision of Works 58-59
Egorov V.B. News of Foreign R&D 60-62
Smekhova A.Kh. Foreign Publications 62-63
DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126