
Problems, Search, Solutions
Meeting of Branch Economists 1-4
Mashimov M.M. Observation of the Earth’s Figure Temporal Variations and Physical Fields — Urgent Problem of World Science 4-6
Chernii A.N. Space and Time Distortion around Mass Moving with Relative Velocity 7-12
Visirov Yu.V. Layout of Designed Slope Plane Using Theodolite 14-16
Gerasimov A.P., Maslennikov A.S. Necessity of Measured Distances Centering 16-17
Geodynamic research
Grigorenko A.G., Novak V.E. Theoretical Base of Geodynamic Engineering 18-22
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Tan B., Krasnopevtsev В.V. Program of Spatial Block Aerophototriangulation Using Independent Models Method 23-26
Nekhin S.S. Problems of Initial Data Acquisition at ISPRS XVIIth Congress 26-32
Korablev D.P., Krelshtein I.N. Representation of Amber Room Relief from Archive Photograms 32-36
Berlyant A.M., Ushakova L.A. Dynamic Maps — New Kind of Cartographic Arts 36-41
Filatov V.N., Eliseeva K.K. Complex of Instruments and Devices in New Series for Map Engraving 41-45
Suetova I.A., Chistov S.V. Study Antarctic Ice Dynamics by Computer-Aided Modeling 45-50
Tikhonov V.S., Kozodoev M.S., Sidorenko A.I., Lukovnikov N.G. Software Structure for Automated System of Urban Cadastre Control 50-54
Letters from our readers
Kaftan V.I. On the question of the "coordinate reference" of the Theodolite passages 55-56
Zalesskii F.V., Perelomov V.A. About accounting for the hydrological regime of rivers 56-57
Pictures of history
Sudakov S.G. Main Stages of Topographic and Geodetic Activity in Russia 57-59
Bogdanov V.I. On Reineke Mark on Kronshtadt Tidal Gauge 59-63