
Problems, Search, Solutions
Visit of the Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography in Finland 2-4
Geodetic Survey is 75 4-9
Brovko E.A. The state topographic monitoring system as the innovative model of spatial data updating 9-15
Kislinskaya A.I. Creation of topographic plan in CREDO program complex 15-20
Florinsky I.V. To 100-centenary of Tungusskiy phenomenon: Digital modeling of the relief in epicenter area 20-22
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Alyabyev A.A., Sosnovskii A.V. 3D digital terrain modeling based on satellite stereoscopic survey results 23-28
Geographic Information Systems
Teslenok S.A., Kovalenko E.A., Manukhov V.F. The use of geoinformation technologies at the creation of advance compilation of piezometric contour of underground reservoir 28-32
Devyatisilny A.S., Chislov K.A. Graviinertial system for a movable base 32-35
Marine geodesy and hydrography
Firsov Yu.G. Computer technologies for the accuracy estimation of the bottom relief areal survey 35-40
Nesterov N.A., Provorov V.N., Ponomarenko N.G. Several aspects of navigation-hydrographic providing of dredging works 40-46
Krayuhin A.N., Pozdnyak G.V., Filatov V.N., Riabchikova V.I. The production cartographic association "Kartographia" celebrates its 70-anniversary 46-56
Pictures of history
Kusov V.S. The discovery of Russian geographical drawing of the Baltic lands 56-60
Ogurtsov V.D. The plan of Shuyskiy citadel. 1629. (Experience of graphical reconstruction) 60-63