
Problems, Search, Solutions
The XXVII Session of the Intergovernmental Council of Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of CIS member states 2
Popov A.A. Coordinate temporal basis for the development of geodynamic point in Pulkovo observatory 3-11
Balandin V.N., Matveev A.Yu., Menchikov I.V., Firsov Yu.G. About the normative documents for the implementation of topographic survey of shelf and inland waters 12-14
Khoroshilov V.S. About the development of the information expert system for the optimal geodetic providing of engineer objects 15-18
Filatov V.N., Avdeev V.A., Mukhudinov R.S., Radionov V.A. About digital topography 19-20
Golyandina N.E., Usevich K.D., Florinsky I.V. The Analysis of singular spectrum for the digital terrain models filtration 21-28
Skripnyuk V.V., Dubenskov S.O., Diveev E.Sh. Automation of editorial-preparatory works fulfillment 28-34
Isaev I.A. The impact of signatures on the perception quality of the cartographic information 35-38
Aerophototopography (Aerial Surveying And Photogrammetry)
Zan'ko Y.I., Khrush R.M. Direct method of solving the photogrammetric intersection with defining of elements of image inner orientation 39-42
Zoidze E.K., Pritvorov A.P., Razumov V.V., Razumova N.V., Shagin S.I. The danger of dust-storms in the South of European part of Russia 43-47
Guzevich S.N. Radionavigation and navigation parameters when using stereoscopic method of distance measurement 48-55
Geographic Information Systems
Rebriy A.V. About a new technology of builing metadata base of the Federal Cartographic-Geodetic Fund 56-58
Karpik A.P. The establishment of geodetic information providing of the territories sustainable development 59-63