ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
The IXth seminar on metrological assurance of topographic--geodetic and production | 2-7 |
Demyanov G.V., Sermiagin R.A. Planetary models of Earth’s gravitational field, their role under modern conditions of geodesy development | 8-12 | ||
Komissarov A.V., Seredovich A.V., Seredovich V.A., Dement'eva O.A. Terrestrial laser scanning application for planning of projected construction zones | 13-16 | ||
Murzaikin I.Ya., Murzaikin V.I. Use of satellite measurement method by detection of big open pit sides deformation | 17-19 |
Gelman R.N., Shakhmina M.S. Glacial lakes mapping by panoramic digital stereophotography method | 21-25 |
Sizov A.P. Land monitoring of extra big city - modern technologies, new results | 36-41 |
Karpukhin S.S. Synergetics principles in complex geoinformation mapping of the Russian Federation subjects | 42-46 |
Shagin S.I., Razumov V.V. Natural emergency risk assessment on the territory of Southern Federal District of Russia | 47-56 |
Nazarov A.S. By textbook's publication on automatization and topographic-geodetic and land cadastre works | 56-59 |
Ryzhikov A.I. Mystery of "Temnikov" toponym | 61-62 |