ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
Afonin K.F. The method of using differential amendments to convert spatial rectangulars coordinates into those geodesic ones | 2-7 |
Prokhorova Е.А., Semin V.N., Godunova A.I. Creating the information-cartographic system “Educational institutions of Moscow” | 8-17 | ||
Bogdanov V.N., Dugarova G.B. Geoinformation mapping of the Irkutsk city suburbanization | 18-23 | ||
Orlov M.Yu. Analyzing development factors of cartographic production in Russia | 24-34 | ||
Lysanova G.I., Semenov Ju.M., Sorokovoi A.A., Balyazin I.V. Geosystems of Middle Siberia southern part: mapping methodology and results | 35-44 |
Gura D.A., Markovskii I.G., Pshidatok S.K. Methods of monitoring real estate objects using three-dimensional laser scanning in the specifics of urban lands | 45-53 |
Yamashkin S.A., Yamashkin A.A., Zanozin V.V., Barmin A.N. Development of an algorithm for the Earth remote sensing data classification using deep machine learning methods for analyzing the geosystem model of the territory | 54-64 |