1 Voronin E.G.

Branch of JSC Space-and-Rocket Centre Progress – Science-and-Production Enterprise Optex

The author considers the influence of on-board time, as optoelectronic space images parameter’s mathematical model, on the results of photogrammetric measurements equalization at processing the Earth`s surface remote sensing data. Arguments for and against including the on-board time in the structure of equalized parameters are presented. The mathematical representation of the above parameters for equalization is substantiated. Experimental studies of the mentioned data effect on the alignment outcome according to real data are performed using the example of several routes obtained by the panchromatic survey equipment of the Resurs-DK spacecraft. The analysis of the acquired experimental information on the accuracy and reliability of the results is carried out. Some non-obvious requirements for the structure of the equalized parameters are indicated when the onboard time ones are included in it. The necessity of adjusting the photogrammetric measurements weights during equalization in order to obtain the most accurate and reliable results is noted. A physical and mathematical explanation of the on-board time parameters effect on the accuracy of geometric stitching the composite optoelectronic images of the survey route is given. The practical expediency of the research held is evaluated. Conditions which enable assuming the need of clarifying the on-board time on a specific shooting route a priori are established
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Voronin E.G., 
(2024) Clarification of on-board time during photogrammetric equalization. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 85(8), pp. 14-22. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2024-1010-8-14-22
Publication History
Received: 06.06.2024
Accepted: 30.08.2024
Published: 20.09.2024


2024 August DOI: