1 Zhigulina T.N.
2 Meretsky V.A.
3 Kubrakov D.V.
4 Boronina N.Yu.
5 Lebedeva L.V.

Altai State Agricultural University

The research deals with developing valuation zoning methodology in the practice of state cadastral valuation. Its aim was to define the mentioned technique in the system of state cadastral valuation through statistical analysis of market data. The study is based on the deductive method, sample statistical one and that of building thematic maps by means of GIS. The basic indicators to be used in carrying out estimation zoning are considered, they are sample average, mean square deviation, dispersion, errors of sample average and intervals of cost. The author's view on the matter and tasks, the nature of their solving and implementation (continuous or discrete) are expressed. The algorithm of the valuation zoning methodology used in the practice of state cadastral valuation of real estate objects on the territory of Altai Krai in 2019–2023 is given
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Zhigulina T.N., 
Meretsky V.A., 
Kubrakov D.V., 
Boronina N.Yu., 
Lebedeva L.V., 
(2025) Development of valuation zoning methodology in the state cadastral system based on statistical analysis. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 86(1), pp. 53-63. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2025-1015-1-53-63