1 Abalakov A.D.
2 Basarova N.B.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

Of great importance is the assessment of ecological and geographical position of protected territories of Federal significance: reserves, national parks and protected areas in the territorial strcture of the mining industry in the Baikal region. The study was carried out at the level of municipal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation and ecological zones of the Baikal natural territory. The principles of «positioning» and «polarized landscapes» are applied in assessing the ecological and geographical situation of specially protected natural areas. Knots of technogenic destruction of various rank are allocated. As the estimated indicators, the areas of land that were disturbed during the development of deposits within these nodes, the density of violations in administrative areas, the level of toxicity of raw materials, the distance from specially protected natural areas to sites of technogenic destruction were taken as estimates. Based on these indicators, an assessment is made of the environmental hazard of the technogenic impact of the mining industry on specially protected natural areas. Specific examples of the strongest impact are given. Research materials are presented in cartographic form.
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Abalakov A.D., 
Basarova N.B., 
(2018) Assessment of the technogenic impact of the mining industry Baikal region for specially protected natural territories: cartographic analysis. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 79(1), pp. 20-31. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2018-931-1-20-31
Publication History
Received: 21.07.2017
Accepted: 02.11.2017
Published: 20.02.2018


2018 January DOI: