1 Lysanova G.I.
2 Sorokovoi A.A.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

The paper considers the use of land resources and their mapping. The distribution of the land fund of the study area according to the categories and types of lands is characterized. The greatest attention is paid to agricultural lands. Agricultural land use, and the dynamics and structure of agricultural lands are analyzed. The paper studies the problems of a decrease in agricultural lands area and in livestock population, reduction in crop yields, and negative processes that lead to their modification and reduction. The main theme of the article is the land issue, which is now being given a lot of attention due to the food safety of Russia. The paper presents the area and the object of study. The paper considers the use of land resources and their mapping. The distribution of the land fund of the study area according to the categories and types of lands is characterized. The greatest attention is paid to agricultural lands. Arable lands have a special place in the structure of the study area. For comparison, we provided an example of the amount of arable land and arable land coverage pro person in other countries. Agricultural land use, the dynamics and structure of agricultural lands, and in particular arable lands are analyzed. The paper studies the problems of a decrease in agricultural lands area and in livestock population, reduction in crop yields, and negative processes that lead to their modification and reduction of their use.
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Lysanova G.I., 
Sorokovoi A.A., 
(2015) The use of land resources and their mapping. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (11), pp. 26–31. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-905-11-26-31
Publication History
Received: 03.02.2015
Accepted: 06.08.2015
Published: 20.12.2015


2015 November DOI: