1 Lisitsky D.V.
2 Komissarova E.V.
3 Kolesnikov A.A.
4 Sharypova M.N.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

In the article there is estimation of directions and trends of modern cartography development based on studying the material of the International Cartographic Conferences of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) during the last 8 years. All the topics of these conferences were divided into basic researches, the number of reports for each area and at conferences, as well as the total for the whole period 2007-2013 biennium was estimated. In order to map these world interests and trends in Russia, reports in the field of cartography at the conferences held in the International Congress “geo- Siberia” Interèkspo for the period from 2006 to 2013, 2012 are considered as an example of the allocation. Calculations of reports distribution in international conferences and congresses are given in tables, illustrated with drawings. The appropriate conclusions are made.
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Lisitsky D.V., 
Komissarova E.V., 
Kolesnikov A.A., 
Sharypova M.N., 
(2015) Estimation of directions and trends of development of modern cartography. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (11), pp. 59–64. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-905-11-59-64