1 Karpik A.P.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The article presents the analysis of a current state of science, equipment and technologies in the field of geodesy and cartography in the Russian Federation. Importance of geodesy for advanced territorial development, management of natural resources, navigation activity, defense and safety of the state is shown. The key role of spatial information for the formation and development of modern information society is marked out. New understanding of geodesy as a science about geospace that forms a mobile spatial basis for realization of a number of projects is given: digital Earth, e-government, e-state, e-geospace, geospatial survey, etc. The main problems and reasons of crisis in the Russian geoindustry are picked out. Features of the International exhibition INTERGEO, which reflects modern trends in global geoindustry, are presented. New structure of the standard for scientific specialty «Geodesy» with taking into account world achievements in the field of geodesy (advanced systems of accumulation, processing, storage, transfer and use of geodetic information, including geodata formats, infrastructures and territorial banks of geospatial data, e-geospace, bases of geodetic knowledge, geoservices, geoportals and other geodetic systems in the Internet) is considered. Taking into account available resources and world trends a three-step structure of development of the Russian geoindustry is offered.
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Karpik A.P., 
(2015) Trends in the Development of Science, Equipment and Technologies in Geodesy and Cartography in the Russian Federation. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (12), pp. 55-59. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2015-906-12-55-59
Publication History
Received: 08.10.2015
Accepted: 10.10.2015
Published: 15.01.2016


2015 December DOI: