1 Novakovskiy B.A.
2 Kargashin P.E.
3 Karpachevskiy A.M.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Electrical grid of Sakhalin island is isolated from the continental grid system. At the same time there is a great influence of monsoon climate and complex orographic structure of Sakhalin on weather conditions, especially in the mountains. High wind speeds and thick deposits of ice and snow accumulating on the wires cause blackouts in most of the region. The study focuses on spatial modelling of climate patterns, based on determined relations between normalized surface height, wind speed and sleet deposits. We propose an approach for orographic regionalization and normalized height calculation. The combination of these parameters allowed us to create a set of maps which should assist in the design of new powerlines in this region.
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Novakovskiy B.A., 
Kargashin P.E., 
Karpachevskiy A.M., 
(2016) GIS-modelling of the climatic load on the transmission lines: a case study of southern Sakhalin. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (10), pp. 35–41. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-916-10-35-41
Publication History
Received: 25.05.2016
Accepted: 24.06.2016
Published: 28.10.2016


2016 October DOI: