1 Prisyazhnaya A.A.
2 Hrisanov V.R.
3 Mitenko G.V.
4 Chernova O. V.
5 Snakin V.V.

Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS


RAS A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution

The new cartographic materials of soil cover for protected natural territories formed in recent years (2010–2015) are presented. Information on soils of new territories of natural reserves and national parks is analysed. Representation of Russian reserved areas network for conservation of natural soil diversity had been estimated on the base of cartographic information (Soils’ Map of Russia M : 1 : 2,5 mln). Different soils presentation in nature reserves and national parks was calculated by means of ArcView GIS system considering the number and areas of soil types and complexes. Carried out analysis has shown that 36 % of soils and 65 % of complexes are not represented in natural reserves and national parks. It is shown that as a result of the organization of the new protected territories the area of steppe soils in reserves has increased by 30 %. However representativeness of soils and soil complexes of steppes in natural reserves and national parks of Russia is minimum. The expansion of a network of steppe natural reserves is necessary.
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Prisyazhnaya A.A., 
Hrisanov V.R., 
Mitenko G.V., 
Chernova O. V., 
Snakin V.V., 
(2016) The analysis of a soil diversity of nature reserves and national parks of Russia (new territories). Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (12), pp. 7–15. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-918-12-7-15