ISSN 0016-7126 (Print)
ISSN 2587-8492 (Online)
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3. Blossfeld M., Muller H., Angermann D. (2011) Adjustment of EOP and gravity field parameters from SLR observations. The 17th ILRS Workshop proceedings, Bad Kotzling, pp. 292–296. |
4. Brockmann E Combination of Solution for Geodetic and Geodynamic Applications of the Global Positioning System (GPS): Ph.D thesis. Institut fur Geodasie und Photogrammetrie, Zurich, 211 p.pp. 1997. |
5. Chen J.L., Wilson C.R., Seo Ki-Weon (2009) S2 tide aliasing in GRACE time-variable gravity solutions. Journ. of Geodesy, Volume 83, pp. 679–687. |
6. Ditmar P., Teixeira da Encarnacao J., Farahani H. (2012) Understanding data noise in gravity field recovery on the basis of inter-satellite ranging measurements acquired by the satellite gravimetry mission GRACE. Journ. of Geodesy, Volume 86, pp. 441–465. |
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9. Wermuth M.K. (2008) Gravity Field Analysis from the Satellite Missions CHAMP and GOCE: Ph.D. thesis. Institut fur Astronomische und Physikalische Geodasie, Munich, 100 p. |
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(2016) Joint estimation of stations’ coordinates, Earth rotation parameters and Earth gravity field coefficients from combined processing of SLR data. Theoretical and practical aspects. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (1), pp. 12–20. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-907-1-12-20 |