1 Ilyushina T.V.
2 Sizov A.P.
3 Kolevid T.K.
4 Pushkina T.F.
5 Miklashevskaya O.V.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

Geodetic works are actually the first and integral part of the real estate cadastre. Complex of legal documents from Federal law level to departmental construction standards and technical regulations is the legal basis of geodetic works. In accordance with normative legal documents, technological base is developed for geodetic supporting of cadastral activities in settlements, including horizontal and vertical justification, technology of production of geodetic surveying, calculating and controlling of the required accuracy, ensuring the quality and details of geodetic survey of the territory. The accuracy of geodetic support must meet the requirements of the development of project and working documents, construction of buildings and civil housing objects, special engineer-geodesic works and stationary observations of dangerous natural and manmade processes, as well as ensure the construction, exploitation and liquidation of objects.
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Ilyushina T.V., 
Sizov A.P., 
Kolevid T.K., 
Pushkina T.F., 
Miklashevskaya O.V., 
(2016) The legal basis of geodetic support for construction and development of settlements. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (1), pp. 2–8. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-907-1-2-8