1 Balandin V.N.
2 Menchikov I.V.
3 Firsov Yu.G.
4 Efanov A.I.

Center of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping

The study examines determination of the Geoid Height using Global Navigation Satellite System on the land and sea surface. The main purpose of the Geoid Height determination is the computation of the Normal Heights. The short comparative analysis of the traditional normal height network development and method, based on gravimetric measurements is presented. The algorithm implemented for the Geoid Height determination, using Global Navigation Satellite System is examined. The alternative algorithm for geodetic height determination without the preliminary geodetic latitude computation is proposed. This algorithm utilize the measured geocentric co-ordinates X, Y, Z and provides geodetic height computation for heights less than 10000 m with the accuracy of 1–2 mm. The survey design is proposed (for the Geoid Height on land and during depth measurement from the ice surface). The X, Y, Z coordines reduction to the benchmark Xp, Yp, Zp is shown and the examples are provided. The proposed method is in fact the double application methodology thus it can be widely used for civil application and defense capability. This is especially urgent in the light of the Russian Federation maritime strategy development till 2020 for exploitation of the Arctic Ocean Eurasian sector, which is the reserve of hydrocarbon raw material for the immediate and the longterm perspective as well as for interests of State defending in the Arctic region.
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Balandin V.N., 
Menchikov I.V., 
Firsov Yu.G., 
Efanov A.I., 
(2016) The determination of height anomaly by satellitic methodes. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (2), pp. 11–16. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-908-2-11-16
Publication History
Received: 14.07.2015
Accepted: 12.10.2015
Published: 11.03.2016


2016 February DOI: