1 Prisyazhnaya A.A.
2 Snakin V.V.
3 Mitenko G.V.
4 Hrisanov V.R.

Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS

The new cartographic materials on distribution of the rare species of plants and animals (categories of rare status: “possibly extinct” and “threatened”) in the territory of Russia are presented. It is shown that the maximum amounts of the threatened species are in regions of the Amuro-Sakhalinsky, Crimean-Caucasian, Altai-Sayansk physiographic regions. The new cartographic materials on distribution of protected species of fungi are presented. Only the Basidiomycota and Agaricomycota fungi are represents in Red Book of the Russian Federation (less than 0,2% of all described species of fungi in Russia). Territorial distribution of the protected fungi location is concentrated in the central part of East European Plain and substantially caused by degree of their study. The history of creation of the International Red Data Books, the IUCN Red List and Red Data Books of the USSR and the Russian Federation is briefly stated. The quantitative assessment of species in Red Data Books is analysed. The number of threatened species included in the International Red Data Books and the IUCN Red List increased more than by 40 times during maintaining their account. In Russia the number of protected species increased by 3–4 times during editions of Red Data Books of the USSR and the Russian Federation. The generalized cartographic and analytical materials on distribution of rare species of animals, plants and fungi in Russia are presented. This information is intended for an ecological assessment of territories.
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Prisyazhnaya A.A., 
Snakin V.V., 
Mitenko G.V., 
Hrisanov V.R., 
(2016) Calculation and mapping of protected species of plants and animals. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (2), pp. 30–37. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-908-2-30-37