1 Guliyeva F.E.

Azerbaujan National Aerocosmic Agency

It is noted, that one of major tasks of ecology is studying of causal relations between distribution of vegetation types and structures in the wide spatial scales, including mountainous zones. The analysis of major components of causal- resulting interactions does show that the revealed major components- (1)-diameter and height of tree, and (2) density of tree are subjected on impact of various factors in different level. The first component has a positive correlation with such factors as distance as far as roads, slopes and has a negative correlation with the topographic height. The second component has a negative correlation with topographic elevation and a positive correlation with the distance as far as buildings. The abiotic topographic factors, such as topographic height, slope and aspect are good predictors of the forest structure recovered after intensive anthropogenic effect. There is a linear negative regression between vegetation density and elevation of studied zone for some types of trees. Most strong correlation between the topographic components and parameters of the forest structures exists between the topographic height and sizes and density of trees. On the basis of above said the task of optimization of the forest structure in the mountainous zones taking into account the requirements imposed upon the topographic parameters is formulated and solved. Solution of the formulated task of linear programming make it possible to determine the optimum values of major biological parameters of various types of trees upon given limitation conditions imposed on topographic parameters. The solution of this optimization task allows to carry out more effectively the works on planning and management of forest massive in mountainous zones.
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Guliyeva F.E., 
(2016) Questions on optimum planning and management of forests in mountainous zones. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (3), pp. 8–11. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-909-3-8-11
Publication History
Received: 09.09.2015
Accepted: 24.12.2015
Published: 20.04.2016



2016 March DOI: