1 Dolgov E.I.
2 Sergeev S.V.

The Russian Federation Defense Ministry Central Research Institute 27

Military surveyors of the Crimean front, who participated in the preparation of survey support for the offensive, appeared to be in a difficult situation related to the emergency retreat of Soviet troops from the Kerch Peninsula. The article describes the activities of topographical officials who served in difficult conditions of the combat situation and highlights the fate of some military surveyors. In the article are named almost forgotten names of officers of the Military Topographic Service, who fully fulfilled their duty, information is given about their post-war service. Against the background of well-known facts of the operational situation in the Crimea in January-May 1942, in the article are given personal impressions of direct participant in hostilities, based on previously unpublished documents. The article may be of interest to specialists of cartography and surveying industry, and a wide range of fans of military history.
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Dolgov E.I., 
Sergeev S.V., 
(2016) Military surveyors in the Kerch tragedy of 1942. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (5), pp. 52-60. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-911-5-52-60
Publication History
Received: 10.03.2016
Accepted: 20.03.2016
Published: 20.06.2016


2016 May DOI: