1 Nepoklonov V.B.
2 Khodakov P.A.

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)

The most part of Yakutia Republic territory is located in permafrost zone. A method of permafrost thawing depth map creating have been developed as applied to Yakutia Republic territory. This is necessary to determine necessary depth of geodetic points centers newly established, as well as to evaluate the extent of existing centers of geodetic point’s safety. Creating a thawing depth map requires a choice of rational interpolation method for results obtained at the monitoring stations. Earlier depths thawing maps were created using linear interpolation method. Eight interpolation methods of thawing depth data obtained at the monitoring stations have been compared. ArcGIS software was used. Kriging method and radial base functions method allow obtaining solutions with the best statistical characteristics. Kriging method is proposed to use as a main interpolation method.
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Nepoklonov V.B., 
Khodakov P.A., 
(2016) Comparison of interpolation methods for Yakutia territory thawing map creation to calculate geodetic benchmarks centers laying depths. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (6), pp. 44-48. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2016-912-6-44-48