1 Opekunova M.Yu.
2 Bardash A.V.
3 Tukhta S.A.

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS

Oyek-river basin (right tributary of the Kuda-river) was used as a model site for revealing the features of the structure of river basins in the low-water karst region. Using the methodical approach of the Horton analysis, which was improved by Yu. G. Simonov, the main structural indices of the basin - bifurcation indices, lengths, areas, slopes, geomorphological work for sub-basins of the third order were determined. An analysis of the distribution of indices showed the greatest spread of the western part of the basin in the upper links of the erosion network. It is determined that the third-order sub-basins located in the western part within the Irkutsk-Cheremkhovskaya plain have the greatest homogeneity of structural indices, and the sub-basins of the Kudinskaya depression have the greatest diversity in the distribution of structural indices. An analysis of the distribution of the indicators of geomorphological work showed that significant work on the transfer of matter is performed by tributaries of the first orders of the western part of the basin, and maximum inflows are carried out in tributaries in the basins with the largest areas.
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Opekunova M.Yu., 
Bardash A.V., 
Tukhta S.A., 
(2017) Structural analysis of river basins of the Upper Angara region. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(11), pp. 50-59 . (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-929-11-50-59
Publication History
Received: 24.07.2017
Accepted: 03.10.2017
Published: 20.12.2017


2017 November DOI: