1 Nikolaeva O.N.

Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

The use of digital cartographic items for natural resources management is considered in the article. A brief characteristic of a system of natural resources’ digital cartographic models as a new instrument for geospatial modeling of natural resources data is given. It is pointed out that the federal subject of Russia is regarded as a region in this case. Natural resource managers are determined as the intended audience for the system of natural resources’ digital cartographic models of region. The conceptual scheme of the system of natural resources’ digital cartographic models, presented in the article, illustrates its purpose, source data and used methods of data transforming. The two versions of presentation of the modeling results are described. In the first case the user gets the set of indexes of natural resource condition to make his own conclusions. In the second case the user gets a recommendation of sustainable usage of natural resource. Both versions of presentation are illustrated with cartographic models of forest resources of Novosibisk region.
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Nikolaeva O.N., 
(2017) The system of natural resources' digital cartographic models as a means to support environmental management. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, (2), pp. 17-21. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-920-2-17-21
Publication History
Received: 30.05.2016
Accepted: 04.10.2016
Published: 28.02.2017


2017 february DOI: