1 Astakhova I.S.
2 Zhdanova L.R.

RAS Ural Branch Geology Institute of the Komi Science Center (IGKomiSCUBRAS)

The modern state of map collection of the A. A. Chernov Geological Museum of Institute of Geology of Komi Science Centre of the UB of the RAS is described. The collection is divided into the historic and expository parts. It has shown the geological and geographical maps of the European part of North-East of Russia starting to XV age till now. The features of cartographic material for understanding the history of the study and development of the territory are described. It highlights the role of cartographic material in the museum exposition in the study of the structural features of the earth's crust and mineral exploration. The problems of modern cartographic support of the museum are described and the requirements for maps are compiled. The modern cartographic material is an electronic maps and charts. It has shown the importance of the establishing of Regional Atlas for evaluating the history and the future development of the region.
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Astakhova I.S., 
Zhdanova L.R., 
(2017) The role of maps in regional geological museum. Geodesy and cartography = Geodezia i Kartografia, 78(5), pp. 43–49. (In Russian). DOI: 10.22389/0016-7126-2017-923-5-43-49
Publication History
Received: 06.09.2016
Accepted: 23.12.2016
Published: 19.06.2017


2017 May DOI: